Preference Survey

To curate a personalized seafood selection that perfectly aligns with your preferences, we invite you to share insights into your cooking habits and tastes. This preference survey is design to enhance your Tindagat SeaCrate Subscription experience by understanding your household size, cooking skills, and dietary preferences. Your responses will help us craft a customized seafood assortment customized to your needs.

How many people are in your household?

Among everyone in the household, how many are likely to consume fish?

Do you have assistance with meal preparation at home, such as a helper? This helps us understanding your cooking dynamics and preferences for convenient fish cuts.

Yes, we have a helper.
No, it's just me/us.

How would you rate your confidence in cooking various species and cuts of fish?


How frequently do you include fish in your meals?

2-3x a week
1x a week

Are there specific dietary requirements or health considerations that influence your need to incorporate more seafood into your diet?

Your response will be kept confidential, and you're not required to disclosed detailed medical conditions. Please feel free to share any general dietary preferences or considerations that guide your seafood choices.

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